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Meet Dr. George Alecu, PT, DPT

Physical Therapist with Global Experience

GeorgeDr. George began his journey to physical therapy in Romania, where he acquired his bachelor’s degree. Fascinated by the science of healing and the power of the human body, he took his passion across the globe, to the United States, where he has gained his U.S. credentials. Dr. George received his Doctor of Physical Therapy degree at the renowned College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, MN.

The Tale of a Taekwondo Athlete

Physical therapy wasn’t just a career choice for George – it was a calling that found him during a challenging time. As a young Taekwondo practitioner, he endured two leg injuries. Through the process of his own rehabilitation, he discovered a passion for physical therapy that became an unstoppable drive. His personal experience allows him to relate deeply to his patients’ journeys, fueling his commitment to healing.

Creating a Personalized Healing Journey

Dr. George firmly believes in the power of an individualized approach to physical therapy. He prides himself on his ability to listen attentively to each patient’s unique story, their current struggles, and their future ambitions.

Being a good therapist is about more than just technical knowledge – it’s about truly listening to and understanding your patients.”

Whether it’s persistent pain or rehabilitation from an injury, Dr. George commits to understanding the role your lifestyle plays in your healing journey. He is passionate about equipping you with the right tools and knowledge to achieve optimal health.

Teaching, Learning, and Growing

“The joy I feel when a patient recovers their functionality and gets back to their favorite activities is indescribable. Every step in my academic journey has led to these fulfilling moments.”

Personal Life

When he’s not immersed in his studies or helping patients, Dr. George is an adventurer at heart. He relishes the opportunity to travel and experience new places with family and friends. Still true to his Taekwondo roots, he maintains a strong fitness regime, ensuring he personally embodies the wellness he advocates to his patients. In addition, one of his most loved activities is skiing, rushing to the slopes every chance he gets.

Dr. George Alecu | (714) 962-8818